Sunday, June 9, 2013


Yesterday's presentation for "Hang Fire" at the Ironwood Carnegie Library drew a standing-room-only crowd and a sellout of all copies—the first such boffo event for me in years.

Of course, the room was small, just big enough for 20 people, and they bought about the same number of books. But the audience was exceptionally curious and attentive, the best kind, and I must offer a hearty thanks to the library and to Walt Lessun of Gogebic Community College, sponsor of the book sale—and the pop and pizza that followed the presentation.

1 comment:

  1. I still walk to the corner daily to buy what is left of the print edition of the S-T. I don't want to read my news online; I will stop reading the print edition when they pry the paper from my cold, ink stained fingers. Or when they cease publication, which ever comes first.

    Some photos indeed handled by the writers. Lots of others by AP and Getty (especially sports). And the rest by free-lancers presumably. And library files are occasionally mentioned.

    Not the paper I knew back in the day.
