Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Our first media review

Library Journal's verdict on Traveling with Service Animals: "A highly recommended resource for anyone who travels with a service animal, as well as for anyone who works in transportation, hospitality, or any business with public accommodations."
We won't post the link to it, because Library Journal is a subscription-only review publication for library professionals, and you wouldn't be able to see the entire review. (We can't, either, but when the full review appears, we'll see if we can post it.)
We're heartened.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Getting shut of encumbrances

We'll soon be moving into a two-bedroom apartment in a retirement village called Three Crowns Park in Evanston, Ill., and are having to downsize once again.

The new digs are a third smaller than our present condo, whose square footage was in turn smaller than that of our old three-bedroom house. So it's crunch time for excess furniture and stuff, most of which we'll give away to charities.

We got a head start last spring with my papers, accumulated over a 56-year career as a journalist and author. For weeks I rearranged the messy pile and then donated it (24 bankers' boxes) to the Newberry Library, which hosts a large collection of papers and memorabilia from the old Chicago Daily News.

Now the library has organized everything into neat boxes on shelves and has posted a guide to the material.

They say old journos are praised at the wake and forgotten after the grave. I hope my legacy, such as it is, might hang on a little longer.