We'll soon be moving into a two-bedroom apartment in a retirement village called Three Crowns Park in Evanston, Ill., and are having to downsize once again.
The new digs are a third smaller than our present condo, whose square footage was in turn smaller than that of our old three-bedroom house. So it's crunch time for excess furniture and stuff, most of which we'll give away to charities.
We got a head start last spring with my papers, accumulated over a 56-year career as a journalist and author. For weeks I rearranged the messy pile and then donated it (24 bankers' boxes) to the Newberry Library, which hosts a large collection of papers and memorabilia from the old Chicago Daily News.
Now the library has organized everything into neat boxes on shelves and has posted a guide to the material.
They say old journos are praised at the wake and forgotten after the grave. I hope my legacy, such as it is, might hang on a little longer.
Wishing you happiness as you enter into the next phase of your life.